May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Thoughts

This past Sunday was my very first time being able to celebrate Mother's Day as a mom. It was kind of strange (new), but also wonderful. My husband put a lot of effort into making it special for me. Even my own mom and siblings thought of me. Of course, Baby Boy is too little to understand, but I know he will appreciate my hard work for his life someday.

People often ask me if I'm thrilled that I'm a mom now.

Well, yes. I love being a mom.

But as continue to learn how to be a great mom, I am constantly reminded that it's by far the hardest job I've ever encountered. The stakes could not be higher. I am responsible for my son and how he grows up. I must teach him how to become a respectable citizen, how to have proper manners, how to play nice, how to work hard, how to treat others, and most importantly, I must teach him about the love of the Lord.

Some days are harder than others. Some days my son's strong will is stronger than mine. Some days I'm tired or sick or have a splitting headache. Never is there a day that goes by where I have a "day off" or get to "sleep in".  Motherhood is definitely not a good fit for the lazy...

I know that I'm not alone. Every mom who chooses to love and care for her children has experienced the joys and the trials of motherhood. From new moms like me to experienced moms like my own mother, we all work hard to accomplish the greatest task that life could present to us- raising children.

Even though some people think it's ridiculous to be recognized for just one day of the year, I think it's nice. I felt like my hard work actually doesn't go unnoticed and I'm appreciated more than I sometimes realize. Someday when I'm doubting it, I'm going to pull out those sweet cards from my very first Mother's Day and they will be a precious reminder.

If you're a mommy to someone who is barely walking or maybe to someone who is having children of her own, or even somewhere in between, I hope you had a great Mother's Day. :-)

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